“…once our eyes are opened, we can't pretend we don't know what to do. God, who weighs our hearts and keeps our souls, knows that we know, and holds us responsible to act.”
~Proverbs 24:12

Monday, November 15, 2010

We Have a Court Date!

PRAISE GOD! I know that so many friends and family have been praying for our family (of four!) and specifically that we will be home by Christmas. The chances of that happening were really slimespecially according to some of our agency reps who were trying to keep our feet on the ground.

Well, I'm so thankful that we worship a miracle-making God! We got the call at about 2 p.m. this afternoon informing us that our court date is set for December 9. We will leave no later than December 6 and be able to see our children for the first time again on either December 7 (if we have time right after we land in St. Petersburg) or the next day. It would be wonderful if they recognize us, but even if they don't what a reunion it will be!!!

We will probably leave the day after court to get back here to tie up some loose ends before we bring our babies home. There is a mandatory 10-day waiting period after court before we are able to take them from the baby homes. At this point, we are unsure if the 10 (work) days includes Saturdays or not. If it does, we should be able to pick them up on the 21stC's birthday! If not, we're looking at the 23rd. I don't want to get greedy, but it would be AMAZING if we were able to bring them home before the first of the year. Financially—thanks to taxes and a hidden benefit for adoptive families from "Obama-care"—it would be very helpful. But, God's got us this far. I have no doubt that He will provide for our needs, whatever they may be. The third trip can be about 8 days or so. So if we can get them on the 23rd, we'll be pushing a 2010 return. We'll see.

Either way, it looks like it will be a Russian Christmas for the Hunters! We should be able to be with our kiddos on Christmas! It may be in a country that views December 25 the same as any other day, and it may be in a tiny, crowded hotel room, at it may be without a Christmas tree, but it most certainly will not be without God's miraculous beginnings, and the love of a forever family.

The Winter Palace at Christmas


MR said...

I am so, so excited for your family! Congratulations! What a great feeling! How exciting to be celebrating your Christmas together...no matter where you are!
Mary Rae

Laurie said...

WOOT! I am soooo excited for you! LOVE the Dec 9th date - it's my birthday! :)
This is going to be a Christmas that none of us will ever forget!

K said...

SOOOO exciting!! How wonderful! And how busy your month is going to be! Not too long now!

What a Christmas this will be for you all! :)

Amy said...

We are soooo excited for you guys. Talk about a wonderful Christmas gift. Thanks for continuing to share your amazing and miraculous journey with all of us. Love you!


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