After breakfast, our amazing translator/daredevil driver took us to the Ministry of Education where we officially received our referrals. Natasha, our outstanding in-country coordinator, prepared us last night for the meeting, so we went in fairly confident. The MOE representative went over the kiddos’ general medical history and what she had on record regarding their birth parents. There, we also met another couple adopting through our agency who were also on their first trip. The boy they travelled to see is at the same baby home as our beautiful girl.
Then it was off to see our boy! We first spoke with the Baby Home Director, a kind pediatrician. She gave us more details about his health and background (He’s very sociable in his “groupa,” she says. Sound like anyone we know…?); and before we knew it, a caregiver is walking him through the door in to meet us! Well, we prepared for “the worst” and thought there was a good chance he would cry and cry every minute of every visit this entire week. We are complete strangers, keep in mind; and don’t even speak a language that sounds the least bit familiar to him. And cry he did. At least for the first few minutes. Once he saw a musical toy we brought, he was intrigued and stopped the sobbing. After the familiar caregiver left and it was mainly just us, he was so brave! Of course he was frightened, but he was so strong and held it together. He let each of us give him plenty of kisses—he even reached out several times for more! When we went off to a playroom, he walked down the hall hand-in-hand with Derek like it was nothing. In the room, Derek sat down and our little boy just clung to him. It was precious.
After we left his Baby Home (the kiddos—though biological siblings—are at two different Baby Homes), we met with a social worker who was able to give us even more background information. Then it was lunch with our translator. Then, off to see our little girl! Meeting her was just as magical as meeting her brother. She cried at first as well, though calmed down shortly. She loved my colorful bracelet (thank you, Leona Tobin!) and the camera lens cap cover. When she was first brought into the room, the caretaker holding her introduced Derek and me to her as “Mama” and “Papa.” My heart melted. And my goodness, she looks so much like her brother! There is no mistaking them for “brat” and “sestra” (brother and sister). She actively played with some of the toys we brought. It was just so amazing finally being there to interact with her.
We were lucky enough to get to go back to our boy’s Baby Home one more time this afternoon. This time, we were invited to walk with him outside. They bundled him up in a snowsuit and hat (it’s probably just in the lower 40s here, but they dress the children VERY warmly) and off we went! He played with Derek in a puddle and started interacting with him when playing with a toy truck. It was just so amazing.
We are really looking forward to seeing them tomorrow and making even more headway with bonding with them.
Here's a sneak peak of the kiddos. We won't be posting any photos that give away their identity before court, just as a precaution. But these should be harmless:
bracelet photo
truck photo
Off to bed and to do it again tomorrow! Woot!
Tears are coming your way from around the world....Delane and I both have "watery" the pic and We totally understand the privacy issue....
I have loved reading your beautiful journey with your little ones. Praying for ya'll! God is so good! Love you!
If anyone claims I have "watery eyes", I will deny it....must be allergies.
We are so happy for you all.
Derek and Kat, your babies are beautiful! Those precious little hands make it so real for all those who love you back home and are so anxious to meet your babies in person. Sending prayers your way as always, although I know that God is so close to all of you during this visit. My heart is racing with excitement for you! God bless you all. Teresa
Thanks for keeping us posted. I have logged in 3 times today! We are praying back home and love you! Love the pics
I'm crying. Blubbering really. I cannot imagine your joy and I am so thankful to be a part of your journey. My love to you and Derek and the kiddos. This is just miraculous, Kathleen... miraculous!
Oh sorry, I had a typo that bugged me -
the pics and what you shared is just more precious than words!
What an exciting day for you both! Love the tiny fingers!
Thank you for sharing so much with us back home! I feel your joy from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes! Thank you, Lord, for answered prayer.
I will admit to the shame in it. Those little fingers are precious, precious, precious. Oh my. I am just speechless. I am thrilled for you all. Continue to enjoy! It is truly life changing in so many ways. As always we will keep you in our prayers.
Mary Rae
I am crying tears of joy for you both - I know some of the journey you've already traveled has been challenging, but what a tremendous blessing God has given you! Prayers are continuing that all may go smoothly for you. :)
Add me to the very happy tears for you guys after reading your post. What a blessed day! Sending lots of love and prayers your way. Samie
*Sniffle* How fantastic! So glad it went well!
So...I haven't been the best friend I am just getting the chance to catch up on your blog now, but seriously...heart melting. Love the pics of your little ones and can't wait for more!
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